Keyword tips to find your audience includes common keyword mistakes and keyword tools. First, effective keywords are the words your audience enters into the search bar to find you. When you think of keywords, take the perspective of the searcher. What words do they use to find you?
Ken’s Corporate Housing uses the term “corporate housing” to describe our business. People are more likely to search for “furnished apartments” than corporate housing. Therefore, we optimize for furnished apartments as a related key phrase.
Common Keyword Mistakes
A common keyword mistake is to focus on your product’s features. Instead focus on product benefits. What problems does the product solve? A feature is what your product does. A benefit is what the product does for you.
An iPod has features: it plays music and has 64 GB memory. So what can it do for you? The iPod allows you to have 15,000 songs in your pocket. So you can carry your entire music library wherever you want. That’s a benefit. You can find benefits by asking yourself how will your customer’s life be better, easier, and more fun with whatever you are offering.
Amazon Alexa has lots of features. She can play music, tell you the news and weather, and add items to your shopping list. So how can you can turn Alexa features into a benefit? You can ask Alexa specific questions about almost anything and she can give you detailed answers. That’s a very personal benefit for Alexa users.
As a general rule, you want to reach the largest audience who may be interested in your offering. Therefore, more visitors are likely to search for non-technical keywords, than technical keywords. In fact, most searchers are not even aware of some technical terms. So only use technical keywords if the only people you want to attract is an audience of experts.
From the opposite perspective, another keyword mistake is to use ambiguous terms that can have several possible meanings or interpretations. When you use this type of keyword it is unclear to the audience. For example, the keywords: “content to learn programming language.” Searchers do not want to learn programming, they want to learn a specific programming language. PHP for example. Searchers are usually not looking for content. They are looking for videos, books, or courses. Thus, a better alternative would be videos for learning PHP. When you formulate keywords, make sure they are specific enough to be clearly understood by your audience.
More Keyword Tips
If you are not ranking for any keywords and do not have an audience to analyze yet, here are more tips. Ask outsiders who would be interested in your content, product, or service: “What words would you use to describe my product (or service)?” and “What words would you use to find us?” Reach out to people in forums or social media. Any person you know can have valuable insights. So ask your friends and associates too.
Lastly, you can make a list of questions your audience could have about your website or product. These questions can be keywords as well.
Keyword Tools is website where you enter keywords for example “corporate housing” and it generates questions that people have asked such as “What is Corporate Housing?” These questions could be an excellent keywords to optimize for.
You can use the Yoast Google Suggest tool to find out more about search terms people type into Google. It uses Google suggest data (the words that Google automatically suggests when you are typing in a query) to provide frequent search queries. If you type “Medicare Insurance” you see lots of suggestions for queries people have used when looking for Medicare insurance. This is one way to find new keywords that searchers actually use. For example, the top suggestion is “Medicare insurance plans.”
You can use the Google Ads keyword planner to enter keywords related to your offering. The tool will then suggest keywords related to that keyword.

In addition, there are many paid tools to help you with keyword research.
Analyze Your Keyword Competition
Research the keywords used by your competitors. Remember to differentiate yourself from your competitors by being unique. By identifying your competitor’s keywords you uncover their strengths. As a result, you can optimize for different keywords not used by your competition. Thus, you are attack your competitor’s weakness.
In conclusion, when you research keywords always take the perspective of the searcher. What words is the searcher going to use? Those are the words you add to your keyword list.
Digital Marketing
Keyword research is the first step to successful SEO. Your next step is to develop the content that matches these keywords. Get more information about digital marketing.